Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
Product Details:
This artwork features an acrylic illustration of a isolated mountain with just Jesus and a girl. This artwork is a great gift to anyone to remind that Jesus is there with them (or you) in their (or your) ups and downs, or anyone who needs the rest of God. It may also be something you want to remind yourself of on a daily basis by putting it up on your wall.
- 100% Cotton fabric, 400gsm standart
- Wooden frame, comes with hanging hardware for an effortless install of the canvas
Gallery premium image quality and detail
- Archival inks for long lasting beautiful print
- For indoor use
- Made in USA
- Packaged in cardboard box with foam supports to keep the product from moving.
Artist's Personal Encounter:
When you are cold, then you are warm.
Each snowflake that falls
Has a particular
Morality to impart
And through the cave of ups downs.
And my heart grew weary.
You never leave me. But give me rest.
This art print makes a great gift to bring affirmation that Jesus is with you and you're not alone. He wants to give you rest. If you knew who walked beside you all the time, through all the paths ups and downs, you could never experience fear or doubt again.
The one who walks beside you has been through it all, He knows your every thoughts, He sees your every movements and actions; when you’re down and crying, when you’re up happy and laughing. He understands what you’re feeling. Even when you don’t see him, He sees you and there’s nowhere to hide from Him.
His love chases all the way. That’s Him.
May the words of Matthew 11:28 gives you the peace: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
- If you are in the US, our processing / shipping time is 1-2 weeks.
- If you are outside the US, then you could wait up to 4 weeks
If you experience delays in receiving your order, hi@projectmadenew.com contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your order.