Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him.. (Revelation 3:20)
Product Details:
This artwork features an acrylic illustration of light bursting through the open door. This artwork is a great gift to anyone to give them light in the dark. It may also be something you want to remind yourself of on a daily basis by putting it up on your wall.
- 100% Cotton fabric, 400gsm standart
- Wooden frame, comes with hanging hardware for an effortless install of the canvas
Gallery premium image quality and detail
- Archival inks for long lasting beautiful print
- For indoor use
- Made in USA
- Packaged in cardboard box with foam supports to keep the product from moving.
Artist's Personal Encounter:
Unlock the door and knock down the wall for then you'll realize fear is the one talking the whole time, you'll realize the light that comes in is not scary but warm and peaceful, penetrating and filling in any gaps in this dark room that we told no one of. I thought it was safer in here.. But it's been a suffocation.. I've been barricaded inside for a long time. Unrealizing, the monster crept in that moment I decided to shut the door. Nobody knew how cold inside has turned. Nobody knew how numb. Nobody knew how anger has tormented me. I cried for help but no one could hear from the thick wall I'd built. And it became a constant fight to chase the monster out, 'cause in order to do that, I'll have to open the door.. I admit I was emotionally scared. All until a leap of courage led me on to open it, and as soon as i opened it, His light flooded in, and everything changes. My whole life will never be the same. So can yours..
This art print makes a great gift to bring encouragement to someone who needs the light or even to remind God's goodness in his/her life. Jesus is a patient,faithful and willing father, He always stands at the heart of your door knocking, no matter what you had done, he will never leave you. You are precious to Him. He will come in anytime you allow Him to.
May the words of Revelation 3:20 gives you the encouragement: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
- If you are in the US, our processing / shipping time is 1-2 weeks.
- If you are outside the US, then you could wait up to 4 weeks
If you experience delays in receiving your order, hi@projectmadenew.com contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your order.