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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
You are not an accident. You are not random. You are intricately woven with purpose by the Creator of the universe. Every thread of your being was intentionally designed by God—your gifts, your quirks, even the things you’ve struggled with. He wove them all together to reflect His glory.
When you’re tempted to believe you don’t matter or that your life lacks direction, remember this: You were designed with care, loved beyond measure, and called for a purpose.
Walk boldly in your identity in Christ today. You are His masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely equipped to fulfill the plans He has for you
- We work hard to prepare and ship all orders within 1-4 business days
- You will receive a tracking number after shipping takes place. Once shipped, delivery within:
- USA: 2-5 Business Days
- International: 5-10 Business Days
If you experience delays in receiving your order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your order.