You are Loved.. Called.. Precious..

8 Reasons For Christian Home To Have Prophetic Art/Christian Art

God's vision & God's words are so powerful! It can change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, it can breathe hope to you out of the dust, it can turn a life around.
Prophetic & Christian art is a place of converting His vision & words onto a piece of paper-- bringing the heavenly realm onto the earthly realm, from the unseen to the seen, from a intangible form to a tangible form. Hence it is so important to have them up in the place where we live.
Below are the explained 8 reasons why:
1. Facilitation of God's Encounters
We all long for the encountering of God, as the psalmist said, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1-2)
Through prophetic art, we, as an artists, capture God's kingdom down onto a piece of art in front of you, for you. This visual form ushers in the presence of God, bringing heaven to earth as we translate spiritually realm onto a canvas for your house. Mixing between the seen and the unseen.
2. Impartation from God
Sometimes God pours out healing and revelation through visual art. I have heard of many people receiving healing power upon looking at art pieces. God is the most creative in the creatives, He has His ways to heal you, and one of it is through visual form. It could be through visual that God reveals His profound message to you. Most of my ah-ha moments came in the form of visual-- from flashes of images through my mind to a dream to on a piece of paper. (Well, maybe I'm a complete visual person, and God knows best on which communication works the most effective on me).
But again, whatever God has put in front of you, He will somehow make it plain for you to understand.  In Romans 1:19, it says "They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them".  The psalmist also describes nature as a language without words that has "gone out to all the earth." (Psalm 19:1-6).  God expects us to understand that visual communication and holds us accountable for that message.
3. Prophetic message for your future from God
Prophetic art is meant to help you to receive prophetic words (whether it's in the current season or the future)-- In God's timing. Prophetic art can lay out the knowledges for you that you may hold on to it and wait for it to come to pass. Which brings me to the next point of God's promises.
4. Declaration of God's promises

Displaying a Prophetic & Christian art piece in your home helps you to have the affirmation as you look at it daily. It brings the promises of God into the earth in tangible form right in your house.
I love displaying my art on my work desk wall (that's where i spend the most time) as it always draws me back to God's presence and reminds me of His love for me every single time,  which is what I needed the most part of my life. God uses the particular art in each season and the emotion of the art piece to redirect my heart towards His truth and cling to His promises.

5. Remind yourself (and your family members)
With the above being said; God's encounter, impartation, prophetic words, declaration. Affirmation of His promises will encourage yourself in the trying times, or whenever doubts come in. You see, I feel like a old granny (from my very forgetful brain), I don't usually try to memorise verses, the only way for me to remember is to have it on my wall so I get to look at it everyday and remind myself of His promises. Breaking down words into visual form also makes it easily to remember.
Most importantly, it is a Biblical concept. In the book of Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) right after Moses gives the greatest command to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength, he follows up by telling His people to write the commands on the door frames of their homes. This is so the commands of His truth will surround them and their children- literally right in front.
6. Fuel each other's conversations
Placing Christian art in your home is also a powerful witness or statement of your beliefs immediately displayed to all who enter your home. It is a great way to get the ball rolling to share about your faith to your friends/family. This can help to spark the conversations between one another. Visual beauty is not only a means of creative expression and enjoyment, but also a universal means of communication.
7. Edify others
Other than sparking conversations, you never know the art can also speak to your friends/family! The bible says that we are to encourage one another and build each other up. This applies to art as well, it must have the power to edify others. Prophetic & Christian art carries spiritual message to people to help them to grow in themselves and also their relationship with God. It is always a great way to bring positive influence into a space.
8. Beauty around where you eat, sleep, play and work.

Before I get started on Project Made New, I have been an interior designer myself hence I'm greatly immersed and attracted to beautiful interior. I love surrounding myself in a space of beauty. I feel it's about giving the space a story. A space is of huge influence to our psychology and emotions.
Even God Himself after each day of creation, He reflected on what He had made and evaluated it as good. At the end of the process, He declares it all to be very good. God made the beauties of creation because He enjoyed them (Psalm 104:30-31, Genesis 2:9). He made a beautiful place for us to live in and gave us the power to share His enjoyment of its beauty.

In Conclusion

Having Prophetic art and Christian art in your home is an amazing way to beautify your interior spaces, but most importantly, it is about drawing God closer to you each and everyday. That each day you can build up an even intimate relationship with God and to lead you through your journey here on earth.

I hope this reading has blessed you, and helped you to understand more on the reasons for Christian home to have Prophetic art and Christian art.

What do you think about that? Let us know what are your thoughts or if you have more reasons, feel free to share below in this open space.

Have a blessed day! :)


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